Composability, while often discussed, is challenging to implement due to different protocols and standards across blockchains. Two solutions emerged: aggregators (like 1inch) and the Intent/Solver approach.
Intent and Solver simplify blockchain interactions by allowing users to specify desired outcomes (intents) while specialized solvers handle the technical execution. Enso introduces "Shortcuts" which enable multiple actions with a single call.
Enso has proven successful, having settled over $16B and processed 450k intents, supporting major projects like LI.FI and Boyco.
Connor, the founder of Enso, has consistently stated that "Product Beats Paper" and focused on building a product that is now used by lots of teams. Now it's time for them to get recognition.
Whenever we talk about the unqiue benefit of blockchain, “Composability” is always mentioned. Composability refers to the ability of blockchain-based applications to get integrated with one another. The open nature of smart contracts and shared standards like ERC-20, ERC-721 ensures developers to create interoperable applications.
In DeFi, this concept is often likened to "money legos," where individual components can be combined to create a complex onchain finanical system. The creation of yield farming strategies in DeFi can be an example of composability in action. (i) A user might deposit funds into a liquidity pool on Uniswap, then (ii) use the liquidity pool tokens as collateral on AAVE to borrow additional assets, which can be (iii) staked in another protocol like Yearn Finance for additional yields. Each step involves different protocols interacting through smart contracts.
However, as there are many different protocols and standards across different blockchains, it is actually quite difficult to implement the composability with code. Two approaches were taken to allow this. First, aggregators were built like DEX aggregator 1inch and bridge aggregator LI.FI to allow access to different protocols in a single API/Interface. Second, more general approach has been made with “Intent and Solver.”
In the next section, let’s look into how Intent and Solver allow better composability.
Source: DeFi Value Flows: Understanding DeFi Business Models and Revenues | by Aw Kai Shin
Source: Why We Need Both Intents And Messaging | Hyperlane
Implementing "Composability" between smart contracts requires significant manual effort from developers. They must understand contract architectures, craft specific contracts for interactions, and develop specialized systems for management. This complex development process not only takes time but also introduces potential risks, particularly when working with various blockchains where the data structure and contract standards differ.
Just to put it simply, the on-chain interactions can be summarized with input (request) and output (response). Intent and Solver are simplifying these interactions — "Intent" is the expression of desired input and output, and "Solvers" are those who fulfill this intent in the background. To solve these intents, the actions that are needed can be diverse like swap, bridge, lend, borrow, approve, deposit, transfer, etc. Actions like transfer or deposit can be simple, but swap, bridge, lend, etc. require expertise and optimization. As each solver specializes in a way to fulfill these intents, it lowers the barrier of implementation of composability. Protocols just need to specify request and response for their operations.
What if we had predefined sets of pathways for each type of intent and a network of solvers that perform these actions? Not many projects offer these tools and infrastructure, but “Enso” is one that is providing these services including automated routing without middlemen like solvers. These are called “Shortcuts.” Shortucts allow developers to integrate multiple actions with a single call.
Source: The Unified Developer Journey: Blockchain Needs Shortcuts
When you want to execute a complex DeFi strategy, you're not starting from scratch – you're using a shortcut that's worked thousands of times before. Each component is verified, each path is proven, and the entire shortcut is ready to go. - Source
Each blockchains stores their own state data and has their own execution logics, which isn't shared between different blockchains. For instance, when AAVE is deployed on Ethereum but not on Arbitrum, AAVE's state data remains isolated to Ethereum. This forces developers to create separate integrations for each blockchains and smart contract. This gets complex if AAVE is deployed to Solana, where the smart contracts and data format are different.
Enso provides developers with a single interface that simplifies interactions. This works through a shared network state that tracks and manages smart contract interactions across multiple blockchains. Enso Network stores all execution and data-fetching requirements for each smart contract across blockchains. Using AAVE as an example, it exists as an entity in the graph with associated ChainIDs that link to the blockchains where AAVE is deployed. Whenever certain interactions are needed, the above data is fetched to complete the execution.
These set of actions are grouped into “Shortcut,” and with their upcoming launch of Enso Network, their offerings will get diverse from open contribution. Let’s look into how exactly the Enso Network operates. There are three key components: Graphers, Action Providers, and Validators.
Graphers: These components build algorithms to process requests by converting smart contract abstractions into executable bytecode. They constantly work to find optimal solutions, with only the best being chosen for execution.
Action Providers: These participants create solving pathways (abstractions) that are secure, efficient, and user-friendly. Their pre-defined modules handle smart contract interactions, making blockchain interactions simpler for end users. These set of actions are called “Shortcuts.”
Validators: They verify that Graphers' solutions are accurate and reliable.
Graphers are responsible for building algorithms for optimal execution, while action providers handle the actual executions. To explain this with intent and solver, intents are mapped to what graphers have built, and action providers serve as solvers to deliver results to requestors.
For the past year, "Intent and Solver" has been a buzzword, promising to make on-chain interactions seamless. While the concept has generated significant excitement, its practical implementation has been largely limited to swaps. However, the landscape is evolving rapidly, with several projects working on expanding the scope and functionality of intent infrastructure.
Source: GCR Insights - The Landscape of Crypto Intents
Projects like Enso have been quietly handling various types of intents in the background. As other projects gear up for launch, we're seeing a diversification of efforts in the intent and solver space, which can be categorized into three main areas.
The first category focuses on optimized individual solvers. These projects aim to provide highly efficient solutions for specific types of intents, particularly in token swaps. Examples include Across, Propellarswaps, and Nominal, which are developing specialized solvers to execute swaps with optimal speed and cost-effectiveness.
The second category involves specialized solver networks, with Everclear demonstrating an example. Everclear is building a decentralized clearing layer that allows solvers to net off settlements against other solvers and users. This approach aims to reduce the frequency of settlements and rebalancing, potentially cutting costs for users, solvers, and bridges by up to 10x.
The third and perhaps most ambitious category is the development of general intent marketplaces. Projects like Enso, Essential, Anoma, and Khalani are working on platforms where users can request intents and solvers can fulfill them across a wide range of use cases.
As these projects continue to develop and launch, we can expect to see a diverse intent-based ecosystem emerge. However, not much standarization on the format of intent is made. Standard like ERC-7683 has been proposed, but is limited to cross-chain swaps. I think as Enso has been providing the “Shortcut,” it will serve as the reference for diverse intent standards.
Source: Enso Network
In reality, "Composability" has been more of a marketing term than a practical implementation. This is because achieving true composability requires extensive development work. During its early days, Enso focused on overcoming these challenges. Though not widely recognized, it has settled around $16B+ and processed 450k intents. Additionally, it supports leading projects like LI.FI, Boyco for Berachain, and others in their operations.
Source: Royco Integrates Enso to Power Boyco Berachain Launch
The recent integration of Enso with Boyco enables liquidity provisioning and efficient execution of complex, multi-step actions allowing asset deposits across DeFi protocols on different blockchains through Enso's "Shortcuts." This automation has reduced engineering efforts and will ensure each protocol receives sufficient liquidity when Berachain launches its mainnet. This now has processed more than $3 Billion.
The use cases are not just limited to DeFi applications. AI Integration enables AI-driven onchain solutions through platforms like BrianKnowsAI. Automation tools such as Onplug and Glider help avoid manual intervention in onchain processes.
Enso has figured out what protocols need from each other and how these operations can be built with code. For the past three years, they have been heads down, optimizing and building tools for developers. With their launch of Enso Network, their offering is set to expand with open participants. They have successfully built a great product and are now ready to power the economics of intent and solvers.
Connor, the founder of Enso, has consistently stated that "Product Beats Paper" and focused on building a great product. Now it's time for them to get recognition.
Source: X (@connor_enso)
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